Photo: Architecture & Design
If you've been to Las Vegas, thought about a trip out, or just looking for something different to do, then Sphere is for you. But what do you call the HUGE lit up display that you can see for miles? Well it's finally got a name and I love it.
My family and I go to Vegas every 3-5 months because we have some of our best friends that live there. Plus it's one of my favorite cities to visit. The food, the shows, the fun you can have even off the strip. The best view is from your hotel, but you can drive right past it, but that causes a ton of accidents by people who are trying to see it. One of the safest ways you can take it in is on the Las Vegas monorail. Trust me, it's worth it and you get right next to it.
But what to LV locals call it? Most don't go to the Strip anyway, they hate having to pay for parking to have dinner and there are places where locals love to play. I'll gatekeep that info for now. But back to The Sphere and what to call it.
You ready for the name? It's funny because I think my 10 year old daughter Everly called it this name first. But it fits. (that kid is 10 and has been to Las Vegas 11 times lol).
So the name for The Sphere in Las Vegas is now.............
Orbi! Orbi has been spotted taunting golfers, sweating under the hot sun, and wearing an “I Voted” sticker during the November elections.
Lot's of shows have plans to come, and it's THE place to see a show because it puts you inside the show, (Kenny Chesney, U2, The Eagles, Dead & Co, The Eagles, and now the Backstreet Boys are coming this July)
You can also check out the AI Robots, art, and food at the shows, or just take in the show from the outside. It's a site for sure.
Orbi!! I've seen him snort a train one trip it was FUNNY!! Oh Orbi. See, it fits.
I'm headed back to Vegas in April to see a show and visit friends, if you ever need help trying to figure out what to do if you go, message me and I'll help you find some fun! Safe travels!!